
If only there was a single pill that could resolve your condition. The reality, however, is that the causes of illness and pain are multidimensional, and effective treatment requires a multidimensional approach.

At the Kaplan Center for Integrative Medicine we offer patients a unique diagnostic protocol — taking the time to talk with patients to understand their symptoms, their medical history, which treatments have and haven’t worked in the past, and reviewing patients’ musculoskeletal, physiological and even emotional systems.

Once accurately diagnosed, we find that patients make the quickest and the most complete recoveries when they follow a comprehensive treatment strategy that addresses their unique medical needs. By combining treatment modalities in a way that specifically targets an individual’s medical issues, our patients are able to achieve a more rapid, complete, and permanent resolution of their condition — often avoiding surgery, using far less medication and experiencing fewer side effects than with conventional medicine.

At the Kaplan Center we offer a comprehensive treatment approach that may incorporate one or more of the modalities listed below.

Available Treatments

Hair Restoration with PRP

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a non-surgical treatment in the fast-growing field of Regenerative Medicine that has proven itself as an effective, low risk, and affordable alternative to traditional hair restoration methods.

O-Shot for Sexual & Urinary Health

The O-Shot ® is a Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure for women that revitalizes genital tissue for more enjoyable sex and urinary health benefits that can last longer than a year.

Meditation Therapy

Meditation can be practiced in many different forms and has been used for thousands of years to benefit the mind, body, and soul. It can not only initiate positive and rapid changes in the brain, but we also find that our patients who meditate typically:


Research has demonstrated that acupuncture can have direct and lasting positive effects on the body’s neurological (nervous), endocrine (hormonal), and immunological (disease-fighting) systems.

Cosmetic Acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture* (a facial rejuvenation treatment) is for people who are looking for a natural alternative to reduce the signs of aging and improve inner vitality for a healthy appearance to their face.

Heart Rate Variability

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the measure of biological age, and more specifically, the variation in the time interval between consecutive heartbeats.

Hormone Replacement Therapy

You can’t sleep. Your muscles ache. You’re tired, moody, and short-tempered. Maybe you’ve noticed a loss of libido or you just overall feel awful.

Testosterone Pellet Therapy

Low testosterone is very common and is often associated with a reduction in sex drive, low energy levels, and unwanted physical changes. Testosterone also plays an important role in cognitive function, bone health, and heart health.

Nutritional Testing, Counseling & Coaching

Although food provides us with both nutrition and pleasure, poor nutritional choices can lead to serious physical and emotional problems.

Physical Therapy

If your Kaplan physician determines that physical therapy will speed your healing, you will be referred to a member of our physical therapy team, which includes Pat Alomar, Jeanne Scheele, and Jessica Coleman.

We are here for you, and we want to help.

Our goal is to return you to optimal health as soon as possible. To schedule an appointment please call: 703-532-4892

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